Welcome to Herbal Family

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Searching for a wholesome alternative to modern medicine? Herbal teas have been in use for thousands of years, providing relief for many medical and personal issues. There are so many avenues for health and wellness, my personal journey to wellness began with herbalism. Through family issues with a variety of health issues, I perused a pathway to better way of living. I studied botany through Chinese, Native American and European sources. Through Nursing school I studied biology, anatomy and chemistry and found that most medicines are sourced from nature, our biochemistry can be directly influenced by the herbs of our forefathers. Organic foods have fewer carcinogens and pesticides that cause a variety of health issues. Our Herbal teas come from organic locally sourced vendors, and can help to increase the well-being of every being in the family!

Come with us on a biochemical botany journey to the ultimate goal of health and wellness!