After Birth Sitz Bath
Created to help with healing after giving birth, this bath tea is the perfect relaxing addition to a nice warm pool of water. Healing herbs sooth and support sore tissues. Peppermint Leaf, Chamomile Flower, Rose Petals, Nettle Leaf, Plantain Leaf, Shepherds Purse Leaf, Ursa Urvi Leaf, Calendula Flower, Witch Hazel Leaf. $5/oz.
Nipple Health for Breastfeeding Balm
This creamy topical is safe for use on cracked and chapped nipples from breastfeeding. Safe for baby with minimal ingredients. Chamomile and Wild Yam support healing and sooth sore skin. Lanolin, Chamomile Flower, Wild Yam Root. $20/oz.
Toothache Poultice
Yarrow has long been utilized as an anti-infective agent. Native cultures have long used this herb to treat infection and abscesses. Put together with Plantain and Wild Yam for healing, and Nettle as an anti-inflammatory, this tooth plug can soak in your mouth around an infected tooth to pull infection and create a healing environment in your mouth. Yarrow Leaf, Plantain Leaf, Nettle Leaf, Wild Yam Root Powder. $20/5 plug bags which can be used multiple times.
Human and Dog Safe Bug Repellent
This pleasant and green smelling spray is an awesome summertime tool to keep a variety of bugs at bay including ticks. Safe for your four-legged friends as well. Distilled Water, Citronella Oil, Lemongrass Oil, Oregano Oil. $20/16oz. bottle.